Board President Appointed to Influential Panel
Gonzales will serve on the board that oversees the Nation's Report Card.
APS Board of Education President Danielle Gonzales has been appointed to the National Assessment Governing Board.
U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona announced the appointment Tuesday. She is the only local school board member on the 26-member panel, which includes teachers, principals, state governors, and testing experts.
The board oversees the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), often referred to as the Nation’s Report Card.
Gonzales, who represents District 3 in Albuquerque’s North Valley, is a senior fellow at One Generation Fund and has previously worked at New Mexico First, the Aspen Institute, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. She previously was a fourth-grade teacher.
In a news release, NAEP Executive Director Lesley Muldoon said Gonzales’ experience as a school board president will make her “well prepared to serve on the Governing Board.”
The governing board was established by Congress to set policy for NAEP and collaborates with the National Center for Education Statistics to release results. Gonzales and six other new members will be sworn in at a quarterly meeting in November.