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Board Approves Revisions to Next Year's Calendar

Posted May 29, 2024, 6:33 PM. Updated May 29, 2024, 6:33 PM.

Students will begin second semester and summer break one day earlier.

Many Albuquerque Public Schools families and employees don't like the idea of ending the school year with a full day of school on a Friday.

While it’s too late to change the calendar for the current school year—which, for most students, ends this week—APS leaders heard the message and are revamping next year’s schedule. In 2025, the last day of school will still be a full day, but it will be Thursday, May 29, instead of  Friday, May 30.

To accommodate the change, the professional development day that had been planned for Jan. 7 will now be held on Friday, May 30, 2025. Besides giving students an earlier start to summer break, the revised schedule will give teachers an opportunity to focus on packing up their classrooms and handling other end-of-year tasks on that day. 

Under the revised calendar, students will wrap up winter break and begin the second semester on Jan. 7, a Tuesday, rather than Jan. 8. The APS Board of Education signed off on the change on Wednesday.