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Three APS Schools to Benefit from U.S. Department of Education Grant

Posted January 30, 2023, 2:45 PM. Updated August 23, 2023, 2:44 PM.

Hodgin Elementary, McKinley Middle and Del Norte will share in $491,700 in first year

The Albuquerque Bernalillo County Community School Partnership has been awarded a five-year grant that could bring in an extra $2.5 million to help three schools improve their academic performance and meet other student needs.

Hodgin Elementary, McKinley Middle School and Del Norte High will share $491,700 during the first year of the U.S. Department of Education grant. Total funding from the grant for the three schools over the five years is expected to be $2.49 million.

In its grant application, the partnership says Hodgin, McKinley and Del Norte have some of the highest underserved student populations and could use federal resources to improve proficiency and graduation rates. 

“These schools serve a culturally rich, dynamic community, with dedicated families seeking ways to be more engaged and supportive of their child’s education,” the application states. It notes that each of the schools is seeking greater capacity, professional development, partnerships and services in order to better and more equitably serve all families and students.

The partnership plans to use the funding to transform the three schools into full-service community schools. In all, the U.S. Department of Education announced $63 million in Full-Service Community Schools grants to 42 entities.

Albuquerque Public Schools, Bernalillo County and the city of Albuquerque formed the ABC Community School Partnership in 2007 to support the development of community schools. Community schools are built on four pillars: They integrate student supports like clinics; they expand and enrich learning through such things as extended school days and summer programs; they engage families and communities, partnering with residents to identify and meet community needs; and they lead in collaboration.