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Show You Care With Underwear! drive underway

Posted January 31, 2023, 5:20 PM. Updated March 8, 2023, 3:30 PM.

APS Clothing Bank asking for new undergarments for students in need

It’s February, and APS wants undies – new and packaged underwear, that is.

The APS Clothing Bank is hosting its Show You Care With Underwear! drive to help students in need.

“The need for undergarments is critical, yet often overlooked when it comes to basic clothing needs,” the department says in its appeal. “Ensuring students have their basic clothing needs met means they can show up to school ready to learn.”

The department is asking for new, packaged pairs of underwear or donations to help purchase new underwear and pledges that every cent of your donations “go directly toward making a visible difference in students’ lives.” And donations are tax-deductible.

There are two ways to donate. You can purchase underwear to send directly to the Clothing Bank through Amazon Wish List. All sizes are welcome: sizes 6 to 18 for boys and girls, sizes 6-9 for women and sizes small to extra large for men.

Or you can donate money directly to the APS Foundation. If you choose this option be sure to designate your donation for the Clothing Bank. For more information, call the Clothing Bank at (505) 248-1873.

The drive runs through February.

Monetary Donation

Purchase Amazon Wishlist