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Selfless Senior Spotlight: Francesca Miles

Posted April 26, 2021, 8:45 AM. Updated June 28, 2022, 12:34 PM.

Meet Francesca Miles of New Futures School, 2021 Selfless Senior!

“Throughout my whole high school career, I never would have dreamed of becoming a Selfless Senior, I am extremely grateful to be one of the 2021 Selfless Seniors and to have an opportunity to shed some light on one of the lesser-known high schools, my high school, New Futures. I am incredibly blessed to have found this school and to have their continued support.

A year ago, I was a high school dropout. I was a teen parent and scared of what the future would hold for me and my child. I heard about New Futures and I never expected to meet all of the incredible people I met and how much they would change my life. The teachers and staff at New Futures opened a number of doors for me, as well as pushed me towards my future goals of becoming a zoologist and opening my own wildlife rescue. I have also found an incredible amount of joy in supporting and coaching youth volleyball, fostering animals for Central New Mexico Beagle Rescue amongst other rescues, and assisting in a classroom for students with disabilities. I will continue to expand my work in the community and encourage other young people to do the same.

I owe a special thank you to many educators who have helped me through the rough points of life, as well as pushed me to be my best self. Jared Benavidez, Tristan Chavez, Elena Esquibel, Diane Cabral, Nancy Lopez, Margaret Lucero and Jonathan Hagmier - thank you for your continued support and help throughout my high school career. I appreciate you all more than you will ever know! To all of you younger students, teen parents, or anyone struggling - know that the sky's the limit and you can do anything you put your mind to.
When I graduate high school, my hope for Albuquerque is that we can all learn to be more supportive of each other and our community.”