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Selfless Senior Spotlight: Ayanna Teague

Posted May 17, 2021, 12:00 AM. Updated February 1, 2023, 2:29 PM.

Meet Ayanna Teague of Manzano High School, 2021 Selfless Senior!

“Out of the chaotic-ness of my week, one of my highlights is always going to work. Knowing I wouldn’t have human interaction at school, being able to listen to my coworkers when they were having a bad day, or even starting a conversation with a customer kept me sane. In my junior year, I managed to work 25 hours a week on top of my full schedule of school and my three extracurricular classes, so my senior year I had a good understanding of taking care of priorities. In my virtual senior year, I was elected as Secretary of Student Senate and President of our Black Student Union. After realizing we wouldn’t be back in school for a while, I noticed my classmates in clubs lost passion and had no hope left. Eventually, it got pretty difficult to be passionate about my clubs as well because no one would participate. Being so involved can tend to be stressful so I always tell myself to take it one day at a time. If I’ve got a long list of things to do and I only get halfway, it’s really the fact that I even started. Life sometimes tends to feel rushed and even when everyone is going at a fast pace, I remind myself and others to value each and every day, hour, and minute of life.

When I graduate from high school my hope for Albuquerque is that even in the most chaotic of situations we can all take time to realize that there is no such thing as a time restraint on life and we should enjoy our work and what we do.”