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Selfless Senior Spotlight: Ariana Magana-Ramirez

Posted February 22, 2021, 6:00 AM. Updated June 28, 2022, 12:39 PM.

Meet Ariana Magana-Ramirez of Highland High School, 2021 Selfless Senior!

“Before I had enrolled in Highland High School, I always knew I wanted to be involved extensively in my school and community. Throughout my journey I participated in many sports, including Soccer, Cross Country, Basketball, Track and a sport I would have never thought to compete in, Wrestling! As I joined many extracurricular activities such as FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America), MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan) and Cooking Club, I was able to partake in what meant the most to me. I am proud to have participated in creating and catering our school’s Tutoring Diners, where families could enjoy a free and nutritious meal and students could get free tutoring on anything they needed. During this time, we have provided over 2,500 free meals to families! Not only was I able to give back to my school and community but I had the opportunity to advocate for them as well. Once a month we would hold protests with MEChA to fight for issues that were important to me and others like DACA and voting. In my spare time I would engage in peaceful protests during these difficult times of injustice. These amazing opportunities that were available at my school have not only helped me give back to my amazing community but have also shaped the person I am to this day. I am a proud Chicana who will fight for what is right and help the community I have been raised in. I want to thank my family, friends and passionate teachers who have motivated and pushed me to do my very best and being with me every step of the way especially during these troubling times. Without this overwhelming support from these people, I would not be the person I have become and for this I am very thankful.

When I graduate from high school my hope for Albuquerque is to become a strong community by coming together, despite our differences, and by helping each other out.”