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Plan for Enhanced COVID Safe Practices

Posted January 3, 2022, 2:25 PM. Updated April 4, 2022, 3:10 PM.

Albuquerque Public Schools is doing all it can to keep students safe and in school even as the number of COVID cases in New Mexico remains high.

Albuquerque Public Schools knows the continuing rise of COVID-19 cases nationwide is cause for concern, and we want to assure you the district is doing everything possible to keep our students and staff safe, limit the spread of the disease, minimize disruptions, and most importantly, continue in-person teaching and learning.

The APS COVID‐19 response team continues to consult with health experts. Below is a summary of the layered approach to COVID safety and threshold considerations for schools to implement increased mitigation strategies and classroom/school closures, if necessary. Please note recommended thresholds are calculated exclusively of those on-site while infectious.

  • Upon a school reaching a threshold of 3% or more of its population (students and staff) while infectious in the past 14 days, enhanced COVID-19 safe practices shall be recommended. District personnel will conduct a site visit, meet with school administration to ensure compliance with current practices, and provide recommendations for enhanced mitigation strategies. 
  • A school reaching a threshold of 5% or more of its population (students and staff) while infectious in the past 14 days will require enhanced COVID-19 safe practices. District personnel will conduct a site visit, meet with school personnel to ensure compliance with current practices, and provide recommendations and identify required enhanced mitigation strategies.
  • 7‐14 days after a school is required to implement enhanced COVID-19 safe practices, the rate of current COVID‐19 cases will be reviewed, and a follow‐up site visit shall be conducted to determine if additional mitigation strategies are necessary.
  • 14‐21 days after a school is required to implement enhanced COVID-19 safe practices, the rate of current  COVID‐19 cases will be reviewed. Enhanced mitigation strategies will be lifted when district personnel confirm current COVID‐19 cases are below 3% of the school’s population (students & staff) in the past  14‐21 days. 
  • Additional threshold levels will be considered if needed to determine classroom/school closures (e.g., lack of staff to provide a safe adult to student ratio, an indication of school spread, or other related contributing factors). 

This plan, combined with the tools already available and in-use, such as vaccinations, testing, contact testing, masking, social distancing, and improved ventilation and sanitation, can provide optimum protection from the still active virus.