We have openings for teachers, nurses, kitchen staff, bus drivers, and more.
APS needs elementary, middle, and high school teachers in regular and special education.
Other job openings include educational assistants, custodians, maintenance and operations workers, school nurses, kitchen staff, secretaries, bus drivers, computer techs, counselors, and coaches.
And the district is looking for qualified substitute teachers and substitute EAs.
“Albuquerque Public Schools is a great place to work,” said APS Human Resources Chief Todd Torgerson. “Not only do you earn a good wage, get a really good healthcare plan and retirement benefits, you also play a role in educating and enhancing the lives of future generations.”
Apply for a Job
To apply for all but substitute jobs, go to APS Jobs (APS.edu/jobs), then
- Browse the job listing pages to find current openings
- Create an online application
- Submit the application.
You may also drop by the APS Human Resources Applicant Processing Center located in the APS administration building, 6400 Uptown Blvd. NE.
More Information
- Call (505) 889-4893
- Email recruitment@aps.edu or
- Visit the APS Recruitment website.
Substitute Teachers and Substitute EAs
APS partners with Kelly Education to manage our substitute teachers and substitute educational assistants. If you are interested in becoming a Kelly Education substitute teacher or substitute EA, we invite you to apply electronically [Link Removed] with Kelly Education or call (505) 768-6126.