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APS Graduation Rate Increases Again

Posted March 17, 2022, 3:55 PM. Updated June 3, 2022, 10:08 AM.

The Albuquerque Public Schools graduation rate for the Class of 2021 was 75.7%, an increase of one percentage point in a year and 14 percentage points in seven years.

For the sixth straight year, the graduation rate for Albuquerque Public Schools has improved, increasing to nearly 76% for the Class of 2021. 

The district's four-year graduation rate increased by one percentage point in a year and 14 percentage points in seven years, going from 61.7% for the Class of 2015 to 75.7% for the Class of 2021.

Ten of the district's 13 comprehensive high schools saw improved graduation rates in 2021, as did four of its six magnet schools. 

Additionally, the 2021 graduation rates for several student subgroups, including female, Asian, Black, and White, made gains that brought each to historic highs of 80.3%, 90.7%, 72.7%, and 83.7%, respectively.

Economically disadvantaged and special education student subgroups also saw improved graduations rates in 2021. 

When excluding charter schools, the APS graduation rate increased by more than three percentage points to 80.3% in 2021. APS has limited academic control over charter schools, and its graduation rate typically is several percentage points higher when they are extracted.

Graduation Rates by High School

Graduation rates increased at ten of the district's thirteen comprehensive high schools:  

  • Del Norte by 12 percentage points to 68.7%.
  • Valley by 8.6 percentage points to 80.7%.
  • Albuquerque High by 7.9 percentage points to 82.2%.
  • Highland by 3.8 percentage points to 66.3%.
  • Cibola by 3.7 percentage points to 86%.
  • Manzano by 3.3 percentage points to 79.4%.
  • Atrisco Heritage Academy by 3.2 percentage points to 81.8%.
  • La Cueva by 2.5 percentage points to 93.8%.
  • Eldorado by 2.5 percentage points to 87.1%.
  • Sandia by 1.6 percentage points to 85.5%.

Five of the district's magnet high schools also saw improved graduation rates:

  • eCADEMY by 16.6 percentage points to 70%.
  • School on Wheels by 7.4 percentage points to 65.2%.
  • Nex+Gen Academy by 5.3 percentage points to 97.7%.
  • College and Career by 4.5 percentage points to 97.6%.
  • Freedom by 0.7 percentage points to 31.6%.

Graduation Rates by Student Group 

Six out of ten student groups with federally mandated reporting requirements saw increases in the 2021 graduation rate:

  • Asian students by 5.6 percentage points to 90.7%
  • Students receiving special education services by 4.5 percentage points to 69.4% 
  • Black/African American students by 4.2 percentage points to 72.7%
  • White/Caucasian students by 3.0 percentage points to 83.7%
  • Economically disadvantaged students by 1.7 percentage points to 68.9%
  • Female students by 1.7 percentage points to 80.3%
APS High School Graduation Rates
APS High School2018 Graduation Rate2019 Graduation Rate2020 Graduation Rate2021 Graduation Rate1-Year Difference
District with Charters 69.5% 70.1% 74.6% 75.7% 1.1
District without Charters 72.9% 73.7% 76.8% 80.3% 3.5
Albuquerque 72.8% 76.6% 74.3% 82.2% 7.9
Atrisco Heritage Academy 70.8% 71.3% 78.6% 81.8% 3.2
Cibola 82.4% 79.4% 82.3% 86.0% 3.7
College and Career 97.1% 98.5% 93.1% 97.6% 4.5
Del Norte 57.9% 56.9% 56.7% 68.7% 12
Early College Academy 89.9% 93% 98.3% 91.3% -7
eCADEMY 22.1% 36.9% 53.4% 70%  16.6
Eldorado 79.7% 82.8% 84.6% 87.1% 2.5
Freedom 37.8% 42.7% 30.9% 31.6% 0.7
Highland 59.4% 55% 62.5% 66.3% 3.8
La Cueva 88.5% 84.9% 91.3% 93.8% 2.5
Manzano 72% 72.2% 76.1% 79.4% 3.3
New Futures 30% 23.8% 37% 35.3% -1.7
Nex+Gen Academy 95.5% 88% 92.4% 97.7% 5.3
Rio Grande 61% 63.1% 70% 63.2% -6.8
Sandia 77.3% 79.6% 83.9% 85.5% 1.6
School On Wheels 50.3% 43.1% 57.8% 65.2% 7.4
Valley 67.6% 72.8% 72.1% 80.7% 8.6
Volcano Vista 82.3% 84.1% 84.5% 84.5% 0
West Mesa 67.9% 69.1% 71.6% 69.7% -1.9
APS Student Group Graduation Rates
Student Group2018 Graduation Rate2019 Graduation Rate2020 Graduation Rate2021 Graduation Rate1-Year Difference
Female 72.9% 74% 78.6% 80.3% 1.7
Male 66.4% 66.4% 70.6% 70.9% 0.3
American Indian/Alaskan Native 54.2% 56.1% 67.5% 64.6% -3
Asian 84.5% 84.4% 85.1% 90.7% 5.6
Black/African American 63.4% 59.2% 68.5% 72.7% 4.2
Hispanic 67.9% 69.3% 73.1% 73.5% 0.4
White/Caucasian 77.2% 75.3% 80.7% 83.7% 3
Economically Disadvantaged 62.3% 62.7% 67.2% 68.9% 1.7
English Learners 67.8% 70.2% 73.8% 70.9% -2.9
Special Education 65.2% 62.7% 64.9% 69.4% 4.5