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Superintendent Gets Advice from Students on Calendar, Testing, Teacher Evaluations

Posted October 22, 2013, 12:10 PM. Updated April 5, 2018, 4:05 PM.

The Superintendent's Student Advisory Council provides input each month to district leaders and the Board of Education.

APS has sponsored several town hall meetings on testing, graduation requirements and teacher evaluations. The final town hall meeting will be held Monday, Nov. 4, at La Cueva High School.

During the superintendent's monthly meeting with his student advisory council, high school students provided input on the 2014-15 calendar and talked about teacher evaluations and standardized testing.

Members of SuperSAC told Superintendent Winston Brooks that they like having two days off for fall break, they prefer to finish first semester finals before winter break and they enjoy spring break more when it's after state testing.

“I really appreciate hearing from students about their thoughts on next year’s calendar,” said Brooks. “We make decisions every day that impact our students, and one of the biggest is the calendar. It's essential to hear from our students and, boy, they don't hold back on their thoughts.”

Students also discussed the new state-mandated End of Course exams that they must now pass to earn a high school diploma. The exams also will be used to evaluate teachers.

“I care deeply about my education, and this is important to me, said Nicholas Martinez, a senior at Early College Academy. "But what's more important to me is that the wonderful teachers who have guided me to this point are not unintentionally hurt. I get really emotional about this and I need to make sure my voice is heard!”

The students also discussed proposed new requirements for the Bridge Scholarship at the University of New Mexico and the lack of textbooks in their classrooms.

Students will make a presentation to the Board of Education's District Relations Committee at 5 p.m. Wednesday.

Tags: parents