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Selfless Seniors Spotlight: Taylor Christiansen

Posted February 15, 2021, 6:00 AM. Updated June 29, 2024, 2:32 PM.

Meet Taylor Christiansen of Cibola High School, 2021 Selfless Senior!

"Hello! My name is Taylor Christiansen and I'm a fifth generation New Mexican. I feel very blessed and honored to receive this award and to represent my school. During my time as a Cibola Cougar, I have had the opportunity to serve as class presidents, and currently, Student-Body President. My involvement has led me to serve not only my peers, but my community. I am blessed to be able to give back to Seed2Need, a Corrales food pantry project, lead my school’s Operation Smile student club, and participate in volunteer opportunities organized by my church. In the midst of quarantine, my younger brother and I launched our apparel and accessory brand, 'All Sick'. Our designs and logos combine the unique culture of New Mexico with our passions. With every purchase we give back a portion of the proceeds to a featured non-profit organization. Our business has allowed me to support charitable causes both in time and with monetary donations. I have been taught that where much is given, much is required. The beautiful thing about serving others is that we receive so much more than we give.

When I graduate from high school, my hope for Albuquerque is that it continues to be a beacon of diversity and opportunity for all."