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Program of Study

Program of Study description, building blocks an effective CTE program, links to New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) interest survey and 16 cluster groups, Why I Work, Which APS schools offer Programs of Study and opportunities.

Program of Study

Career and Technical Education (CTE) is about Career AND College. Choosing a career cluster and program of study lends relevancy to school experiences and coursework. Students who fully participate in a career cluster and program of study are more likely to graduate and be successful in their transition to adult life. These students also experience a stronger academic and interpersonal support system. Students can graduate high school with a professional network, experiences and/or certifications that make them more appealing to employers, and an awareness of expectations for transitioning to post-secondary learning.

Career Clusters - English (PDF) and Career Clusters - Spanish (PDF) are groups of occupations that require common skills and knowledge. Programs of study (POS) are course sequences that align to post-secondary transition opportunities. They are intended to prepare a student for high skill, high demand, living wage careers. Choosing a career cluster and program of study does not mean students can’t change their minds to pursue another option.  The following digital resources are a great way to get yourself familiar with and filling out your interest survey to determine your program of study.

YouTube - What are the 16 Career Clusters?

YouTube - Mr G's Career Clusters

Why I Work

Another tool to get to the same place as Career Clusters is an exercise entitled Why I work.  Check it out!  It is fun and you can change your expenses around as much as you like.

Programs of Study by APS Middle and High School

For the first time! Here are programs of study by school.