Strategic Analysis & Program Research (SAPR)
The Strategic Analysis & Program Research (SAPR) team supports the APS Title I Department with research and evaluation services for program improvement and compliance with federal and state reporting requirements. The following areas are served by SAPR.
Contact Information:
Thomas Chris West
Senior Director
(505) 872-6805
Main Phone: (505) 872-6807
Fax: (505) 872-6860
Physical Address:
Alice and Bruce King Education Complex
6400 Uptown Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Suite 400 East
Determination of Title I Eligibility for Funding Allocation
APS Public and Charter schools
- APS public and charter schools are eligible to receive Title I funds for schoolwide programs if at least 50% of the students are Title I qualifying students.
- SAPR obtains and cleans STARS 80 day data, and provides it to Title I for use in the PED Consolidated Application with allocation decisions for the following year.
- Private non-profit schools
- Students enrolled on the 80th-day who live within an APS Title I school boundary and are eligible for services.
- Institutions for neglected and/or delinquent students
- Annual Child Count Survey – determines which consecutive 30-day window over a three-month time period (Sept – Nov) provides the most advantageous student count for funding determinations for the following year.
Program Monitoring and Reporting:
- Monitoring - Private Schools
- Fall, winter, and spring assessment scores for students living within APS Title I school boundaries and qualify for academic services
- Prioritizing of students for services the following year are based on an end-of-year nationally normed exam
- Count of students served by APS Title I teachers for STARS reporting (40th, 80th, 120th day counts)
- Annual federally required report on the progress of students served by Title I funds
- Monitoring - Neglected and Delinquent Student Programs
- Collect 40th, 80th, 120th days, and end-of-year student counts for STARS reporting to the NM Public Education Department
- Annual and triennial evaluations of neglected sites’ Title I programs and their effectiveness at improving student outcomes.
- Work collaboratively with neglected and delinquent sites to improve their data collection and capacity for self-evaluation
- Annual Evaluation Reports(required by federal law)
- Family Engagement
Title I mandates that local educational agencies (LEAs) conduct an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of their family engagement policy. The SAPR Department surveys parents at all Title I schools and reports on the quality of family engagement each school year. The results are presented annually to Title I leadership, which, in turn, delivers the results to the schools.
- Title I Programs in Private Schools
The SAPR Department submits a yearly report on the results of reading assistance offered to private school students who qualify for Title I, live within Title I school boundaries, and are prioritized (based on spring reading assessments) or referred by their private school teacher and found to qualify (based on individually administered reading assessments).
- 2018-19 Priority Programs for Evaluation (identified by the Title I Executive Director in collaboration with the Director of SAPR.