Read 180 and System 44
Contact Information:
Bev Roybal-Martinez
(505) 253-0330 ext.67034
Physical Address:
912 Oak Street SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Building M - Title I
Read 180 and System 44
Title I schools provide reading and/or math intervention programs for eligible students. Students that score significantly below their grade level peers may be referred by their classroom teacher for diagnostic assessment and possible inclusion in Title I intervention programs.
Students placed in READ 180/System 44 receive explicit instruction in reading comprehension skills. Students are placed using Lexile measures obtained through Reading Inventory assessment. Progress is measured in Lexile growth.
What are these two programs?
READ 180 is an intensive reading intervention program designed to meet students’ needs in grades 6–12 who are reading two years below grade level. The program addresses individual needs through adaptive software, high-interest books, and direct instruction in reading and writing skills. In System 44 students learn that the 26 letters in the English language work together to create 44 sounds or phonemes. Adaptive software provides direct instruction and individualized practice. Direct Instruction is provided in scaffolded lessons that guide students to build close reading and evidence-based writing.
How do the programs help students?
Reading and understanding history, science, and even math textbooks require much more than phonics and decoding. It requires academic literacy skills such as critical thinking, inferential comprehension, and dealing with a variety of text patterns and organizational structures. Students should receive direct instruction in academic literacy so they may become more productive when reading and learning from textbooks in the core content areas.
How do the programs help students acquire academic literacy?
Standards-based reading and writing are explicitly taught during whole-group instruction, with direct application of these skills and strategies during small-group instruction. High-interest literature is presented in paperbacks and audio-books during independent reading time. Individualized, adaptive instructional software has features that include building background knowledge, vocabulary, word structures, spelling, comprehension, and proofreading skills. Students receive regular feedback and reports on their progress.
Professional Development and Support
Principals and teachers are notified by the District Title I office of the specific opportunities.
The professional development includes:
- New READ 180 teachers will participate in 3 professional learning sessions provided by the district and an online READ 180 course during their first year. New System 44 teachers will participate in 2 sessions.
- Continuing READ 180 teachers will attend 2 sessions throughout the school year. Continuing System 44 teachers will attend 1 session.
- A district Resource Teacher is available to support the READ 180 and System 44 staff.
- In-person and online coaching will be provided throughout the school year.
- Throughout the school year, online coaching sessions will be available for teachers to attend.