Social Media Now Addressed in Student Expectations
Updates recommended by a task force made up of students, parents, teachers and more
Albuquerque Public Schools has addressed social media in its expectations for students using technology at school.
The revised technology use agreement, which all APS students and their parents are required to review and sign at the beginning of the school year, expects students to use social networking in a "responsible, ethical and polite manner." Not doing so could result in discipline.
A social media task force -- comprised of students, parents, teachers, principals, counselors and district personnel -- spent several months reviewing social media policies from other school districts as well as private businesses and organizations to help define expectations for students.
The task force made its recommendations to the APS Board of Education which approved the updated acceptable use agreement in July.
The agreement also addresses the use of personal electronic devices like cell phones as well as email, the Internet, and the APS network. Student safety also is addressed.