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June 2021 Employee Wellness Newsletter

Posted June 4, 2021, 9:45 AM. Updated June 4, 2021, 9:58 AM.

Your monthly dose of APS wellness events, fitness and nutrition trends in the news.

Summer safety graphic

Each season has a schedule transition and a change of routine. Summer is no exception. For some in our ranks it's total time off and for others, a little slower tempo of work and family vacations. Everyone needs time off and a break from the typical over-scheduled life. It’s the best thing to de-stress and recharge your batteries. But before you pull the plug on your brain for a few days, realize you are off routine.

If you are planning a vacation, think about variables around time zones and activities you haven’t done in a while (or ever). While those are all good things on vacation, we tend to get complacent and forgetful with basic health and safety practices when we are off our normal regimen and in a different environment. And, it completely defeats the purpose of a relaxing, stress-free summer escape if you are not prepared and have an emergency. So, before you head out take a few things into consideration with these Vacation Basic reminders.


 Livongo for diabetes and high blood pressure.

A slower tempo with work is a great opportunity to take action with your health. APS offers a comprehensive solution for high blood pressure, diabetes, and weight management through Livongo. This single-source solution offers one on one coaching and integrated tools. This is available to all employees covered under APS Benefits. 

Graphic of 2021 aps incentive program

You Asked - We Listened! Your 2021 Wellness Incentive Program Offers Free Gym Memberships & Les Mills OnDemand Subscriptions!

So why not get started on this flexible, fun program? We offer New Mexico Sports & Wellness 1 and 3-month memberships, LesMills on Demand subscriptions, Stone Age gym passes, and more! Read and register here. You can backlog points starting January 1, 2021. 

It's okay to not be okay.

For those times you feel angry, sad, anxious, confused, frustrated, at a loss for what to do next...It's okay. The most important thing is that you reach out for help. 

APS offers free, confidential counseling for all employees through the EAP program. Employee Benefits has virtual mental and behavioral health services. Check out the Mental Health Corner for a full list of resources and free services through community supports. 

For more fitness and nutrition trends in the news take a look at the June Employee Wellness Newsletter.

If you have any questions, please contact Becky MacGregor, employee wellness coordinator, at