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Understanding Your School's Survey

The COVID guidelines below were for the 2020-2021 school year. New guidelines for the 2021-2022 school year are being determined by APS and will be posted as soon they are available.

Building Safety and Readiness Survey

APS Building Safety & Readiness Survey (Google Spreadsheet) - (This site is continually updated.) 

PPE - Personal Protective Equipment on-site includes:

  • Face masks made of two or more layers of cloth (both adult and child size)
  • Disposable surgical masks (both adult and child size)
  • N95 and KN95 for staff performing medical duties or close contact assignments
  • Hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol
  • Face shields
  • Disposable gowns


  • Social Distancing
  • Mask Wearing
  • Handwashing

Fire Marshal Forms

As directed by the state, all schools have received a site visit and approval from a Fire Marshal’s Office in regard to COVID Safe Practice. 

Filtered Air

When applicable, all schools with air-handling equipment available districtwide currently have at a minimum a MERV 9 Rated Filter. MERV 13 Filters are on order for all sites that can accommodate MERV 13 per the manufacturer and will be installed when received from suppliers.

Note: year of installation for building portables indicates serial number rather than year.

Fresh Air Damper

When applicable, classrooms that have no air handling units for heat and are designed for radiant heat will have the damper removed from the evaporative air cooling and/or air wash units for fresh air supply.


  • When applicable, all classrooms that have operational windows have at least one window that is operational, as designed.
  • UVC: As an additional measure of air filtration, classrooms and cafeterias will have a UVC unit installed into their classroom as a supplement to the current system.  These units are installed on a priority basis based on the air ventilation currently provided in the existing system.
This page was last updated on: March 17, 2021.