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Packaged Ice Delivery Service

Bid No. 17-076MS, Contract Term: May 3, 2017, to May 2, 2023

Quotes and PO Instructions

A quote must be received from the vendor prior to placing the order, to ensure APS receives the contracted pricing.

When requesting a quote, provide the following information to the vendor:

  1. Contract with "Albuquerque Public Schools"
  2. The APS Sites "Ship To" address (your location)
  3. APS Bid 17-076MS Packaged Ice Delivery Service
  4. APS Price Agreement Number
  5. List of items to be quoted
  6. Your contact information in case the vendor has a question regarding your request
  7. Upload Quote in Attach IT

Header Comments

The following information must be entered on the requisition in the "Comments to Print on Purchase Orders" section of the Header, when using the APS Bid:

  • PA No.
  • Bid No.
  • Packaged Ice Delivery Service
  • Term: 5/3/2017 - 5/2/2023
  • Board Approved: N/A
  • Quote No.
  • Quote Date
This page was last updated on: February 9, 2023.