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Janitorial Supplies and Equipment - On Demand

RFP No. 19-025RA, Contract Term: Jan. 28, 2019, to Jan. 27, 2024, Board Approved: Jan. 28, 2019

Quote and PO Instructions

A quote must be received from the vendor prior to placing the order - this will ensure APS receives the contracted pricing.

When requesting a quote, provide the following information to the vendor to ensure you receive the discounted contract pricing:

  1. Contract with "Albuquerque Public Schools"
  2. The APS Sites "Ship To" address (your location)
  3. APS RFP 19-025RA Janitorial Supplies & Equipment - On Demand
  4. APS Price Agreement number
  5. List of items to be quoted
  6. Your contact information in case the vendor has a question regarding your request
  7. Upload quote in Attach IT

Header Comments

The following information must be entered on the requisition in the "Comments to Print on Purchase Orders" section of the Header, when using the APS Bid:

  • PA No.
  • RFP No.
  • Janitorial Supplies & Equipment - On Demand
  • Term: 1/28/2019 - 1/27/2024
  • Board Approved: 1/28/2019
  • Quote No.
  • Quote Date
Janitorial Supplies and Equipment Vendors
VendorAddressVendor No.PA No.Contact Information

Fleming Chemical Company Inc.

2432 Monroe NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
10958 15262 Sandra Tinlin
(505) 884-8686

Sandia Office Supply

5801 Office Blvd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109

18758 15263 John Smatana
(505) 341-4900

Shamrock Janitorial Supply

2511 San Mateo Blvd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
12356 15264 Laura Holt
(505) 922-5020
CES Contract Vendor
VendorAddressVendor No.CES Contract No.Contact Information

Brady Industries

8600 San Mateo NE, Ste 180
Albuquerque, NM 87113
14836 17-018B-C101-ALL Ronnie Navarette
(505) 298-2311
This page was last updated on: February 8, 2023.