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School Nurse Gets Recognized as APS Employee of the Month (February)

Posted February 11, 2022, 3:00 PM. Updated July 13, 2023, 9:06 AM.

Melissa Ybarra – Nurse, Seven Bar Elementary School

Principal Roberta Montoya described why Melissa deserves to be recognized: "Melissa never skips a beat. Melissa is so organized and productive with her time. On a typical day, you might see Melissa conducting screenings with a class, responding to a medical emergency while remaining calm under pressure, coaching staff on how to tube feed or work a glucose monitor, checking in with students, responding to calls about scrapes, and bruises, responding to parent questions, attending a Health & Wellness meeting, then a 504 meeting, logging onto a virtual School Nurse meeting and training, and mentoring a new school nurse. Add a report of a COVID positive case, and it doesn't phase Melissa. She is quick to gather the information, stay in close communication with administration, assess and determine close contacts, complete the rapid response reporting, collaborate with her Health Assistant to make some phone calls. She does all of this with a positive attitude while keeping a pristine health office. Melissa never ceases to amaze me."