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Student of the Week Geeovany Sotelo

Posted February 11, 2020, 10:11 AM. Updated February 11, 2020, 10:11 AM.

8th grader at George I. Sanchez Collaborative Community School

Nusenda Credit Union, in partnership with the APS Education Foundation, highlights an APS student each week.

Geeovany’s school experience: My school experience has been great for all three years of middle school. It was especially great seeing my progress and seeing people get to know me. My school experience has been awesome and huge with my development, especially personality-wise.

Favorite subject: Web development. Technology has always been my thing so this class was just made for me.

Hobbies and activities: In school, I am a part of the ROTC program, which really takes up a lot of my time. Like I said, technology has always been my thing, and I love my friends and family.

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