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Student of the Week Jocelyn Lopez

Posted April 3, 2019, 3:35 PM. Updated April 3, 2019, 3:47 PM.

8th grader at LBJ Middle School

Nusenda Credit Union, in partnership with the APS Education Foundation, highlights an APS student each week.

What Jocelyn says about her school experience: My school as experience can be seen like the ocean, beautiful and simple on the outside but the real beauty is found within. I appreciate my teachers so much for they have shown me that hard work pays off and have always believed in me. Having such a supportive atmosphere is one of the things that motivated me to win the Coyote award. This award showed me that I’m capable of getting a 4.0, having perfect attendance, and winning a Character Counts nomination. I’m proud to earn this for the third year in the row. Though I had ups and downs, the ups made this whole experience worth it.

(Jocelyn is the school’s only 3-time Coyote Award winner.)

Favorite subject: English/Language Arts

Hobbies and Activities: Sports, reading, photography, and baking

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