Student of the Week Jocelyn Lopez
8th grader at LBJ Middle School
Nusenda Credit Union, in partnership with the APS Education Foundation, highlights an APS student each week.
What Jocelyn says about her school experience: My school as experience can be seen like the ocean, beautiful and simple on the outside but the real beauty is found within. I appreciate my teachers so much for they have shown me that hard work pays off and have always believed in me. Having such a supportive atmosphere is one of the things that motivated me to win the Coyote award. This award showed me that I’m capable of getting a 4.0, having perfect attendance, and winning a Character Counts nomination. I’m proud to earn this for the third year in the row. Though I had ups and downs, the ups made this whole experience worth it.
(Jocelyn is the school’s only 3-time Coyote Award winner.)
Favorite subject: English/Language Arts
Hobbies and Activities: Sports, reading, photography, and baking