Board Member Honored for Commitment to Civil Rights
October 11, 2024,
1:35 PM.
October 16, 2024,
11:36 AM.
Tome-Warito receiving Clyde Warrior Civil Rights Recognition.
APS Board of Education member Ronalda Tome-Warito will receive the prestigious Clyde Warrior Civil Rights Recognition during a ceremony on Oct. 18.
The award honors community members who uphold Warrior’s commitment to civil rights and community activism. Warrior, a founder of the National Indian Youth Council, was a noted speaker on Native self-determination in the 1960s.
The Youth Council, now known as the Native Professional Advancement Center, was founded in 1961 and works to ensure self-determination for the state’s Native American communities.
The recognition is scheduled to be held at 3 p.m. at the Albuquerque Museum. Board member Tome-Warito is in her first term on the school board.