It's Easier Than Ever to Stay Up To Date on APS Board Meetings
New system allows anyone to sign up for email notifications that would be sent when new agendas are posted.
Albuquerque Public Schools Board of Education meetings are now posted to an external public website: The full-service site provides meeting calendars, agendas, support documents, minutes, and videos.
And you can subscribe to get emails when meeting agendas are available.
Upcoming meetings are included in a calendar, which can be found at the top right of the site’s homepage or by clicking Calendar.
Click on the date of a recent meeting, and you’ll find the agenda, the agenda packet that includes support documents, a video of the meeting, and its minutes. (Please allow a couple of weeks for the minutes to be edited and approved by the board.)
Click on a live meeting, and you’ll be able to watch the YouTube livestream, which begins shortly after the meeting is called to order.
A favorite feature of the new site is the split screen, which allows you to watch the meeting, follow the agenda, and click on support documents being discussed by board members and staff.
The site went live in August 2023. The first meeting agendas were posted for the Aug. 14 Right-Sizing Discussion Group and the Aug. 16, 2023, Board of Education meeting. Prior meeting agenda packets for 2022 and 2023 can be found in the site’s document library, which also includes a search feature.
Older agendas and support documents are stored on a Google Drive: Board of Education Agendas. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact the Board Services Office at