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Albuquerque Unites for Kids In Need of School Supplies for the New School Year

Posted July 18, 2023, 10:45 AM. Updated July 21, 2023, 2:32 PM.

Every year for the past decade, the Corporate Volunteer Council of New Mexico has partnered with the City of Albuquerque, the APS Clothing Bank, and dozens of businesses and nonprofits to ensure families facing economic hardship don’t have to worry about the expense of buying their school-aged students school supplies.

Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller and Albuquerque Public Schools Superintendent Scott Elder were recently presented with a $10,000 donation from Walmart for the annual School Supply Drive.

“The cost of starting a new school year can be daunting for many families,” said Superintendent Elder. “I’ve seen firsthand how stressful it can be for some families, and I can’t thank the City of Albuquerque, the business community, and all the individuals who support this effort enough. Most people don’t think about the importance of having a new notebook, pencils, and other school supplies, but it makes a huge difference.”

The CVC School Supply Drive is a meaningful example of how communities come together to care for basic needs to learn and grow.

Mayor Tim Keller thanked donors for their help in easing the transition and anxiety that sometimes comes with a new school year.

“Having the proper supplies in the classroom can help decrease absenteeism, improve classroom behavior, and empower students and teachers,” said Keller. “We’re helping support our city’s families by making sure kids have the basic tools they need to succeed.”

If your child needs school supplies, please reach out to their school. You can talk to someone in the office or the school counselor, social worker, family liaison, community schools coordinator, and your child’s teacher. School supplies are available to all APS schools and APS charter schools through the APS Community Clothing Bank/School Supply Barn.