Update Your Personal Contact Information
You will need to be at work to review your contact information and make changes.
APS employees can review and update their personal information including address and phone number using Lawson Employee Self-Serve (ESS), the same system used to enter annual, sick and other leave requests.
All APS employees are being asked to review their personal information to ensure it is correct. This is important for security and safety notifications.
To Review/Update Your Personal Information
- Log into Lawson (infor) using your employee ID and password.
- Go to Bookmarks at the top left of the page, then go to:
- Employee Self-Service
- Personal Information
- Employee Address/Phone
1. Review/Update Information on the Home Tab for Mailing Address
- Use ALL CAPS to update information
- Address 1: Mailing address. Don’t use special characters such as #
- Address 2: Use for apartment or space number. Don’t use special characters.
- Phone: Primary phone number where you would like to receive safety, security and inclement weather notifications.
- Not your APS-issued cell phone number
- Numbers only, such as 5550005555
2. Review/Update Information on the Supplemental Tab for Physical Address
- Use ALL CAPS to update information
- Address 1: Physical address. Don’t use special characters.
- Address 2: Use for apartment or space number. Don’t use special characters.
3. Review/Update Emergency Contacts
- Use ALL CAPS to update information
- Go to Bookmarks at the top left of the page, then go to:
- Employee Self-Service
- Personal Information
- My Emergency Contacts
Include the following for at least one emergency contact (Use ALL CAPS to update information):
- First Name
- Last Name
- Relationship
- Cell Number
- Numbers only, such as 5550005555
You may add more than one emergency contact by clicking the ADD button. Emergency contacts will not receive automated security, safety, and inclement weather notifications.
If you need more information in accessing Lawson ESS:
- Business Systems at BusinessSystems@aps.edu