Teacher of the Month Rachel Baucom, East San Jose ES
December 18, 2017,
5:00 PM.
January 28, 2020,
1:36 PM.
Pepsi and the APS Education Foundation recognize some of our outstanding teachers.
Rachel Baucom is the Pepsi/APS Education Foundation’s Teacher of the Month for December. Pepsi and the APS Education Foundation have partnered for the past eight years to recognize a few of the district’s outstanding teachers for their contributions to the classroom, school, and community. In their second year, Flying Star Café is recognizing our teachers by donating a gift card.
The Foundation randomly selects one APS school each month, and that school’s principal or staff chooses a teacher to be honored. The teacher receives a $100 check from Pepsi, a $50 gift card from Flying Star Café and acknowledgment on the APS website, Facebook page and electronic billboards.
They receive a small token of appreciation but represent the many outstanding teachers in Albuquerque Public Schools.
Meet Rachel Baucom:
One of the reasons whyRachel Baucom
deserves you know to be acknowledged is
because of her, just her passion
for teaching you know, not just
teaching in general but you know she
exemplifies what dual language should
look like in teaching. I've always wanted
to be a teacher when I was five years
old we used to play a game with rocks on
the steps and you'd hide rocks behind
your back and if you guessed right you
got to go to the next grade and if you
didn't guessed right
you had to go back down a grade, I've
always wanted to be a teacher there's
nothing else I want to do I love
She inspires anybody, me as an
instructional coach I'm in the classroom
all the time, classrooms all the time
and you just enjoy being there I'm not
I'm not the student by enjoy fully you
know being you know learning from her
I guess I don't care if they remember me
because it's not about me what I care
about is can they read did they stay in
school are they moving forward in their
life in a way that is satisfactory to
them both personally and economically
because education isn't just about
economics it ought to also be about
personal satisfaction you're doing a job
you love you have hobbies that interest
you you're reading books you like or I
guess now you're reading more on your
Kindle or something else, so I think I
want my students to grow up and have a
life that is not frustrating, a life that
is a life, that they can earn the money
they need to earn, they can access our