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At-Home Educational Resources for Families

Posted March 23, 2020, 7:15 AM. Updated August 20, 2020, 9:20 AM.

We have compiled resources that families can use with their children at home.

Due to issues of equity and access, APS cannot provide digital learning opportunities in place of in-classroom instruction. The New Mexico Public Education Department has made it clear that instruction shouldn't be provided for just some students. 

We are providing supplemental learning resources and opportunities for students during this time and planning for any future possible delays. We understand not all APS students have access to technology so we are developing supplemental learning packets. We are working on paper copies of resource materials to be available at Grab and Go meal sites. We encourage families, parents, and caregivers to find ways to keep students engaged in educational activities during this extended period of school closures.

Resources for Learning at Home

Curriculum and Instruction

Curriculum and Instruction, Albuquerque Public SchoolsCurriculum and Instruction is providing resources that are being updated on a regular basis as they are developed.

 Downloadable grade-level lessons 

Available by Grade Level on the At Home Family Resources page.

We have posted downloadable learning materials with Spanish instructions for parents (student assignments are in English). Also, we have posted Grab & Go learning packets in Spanish. 

Hemos publicado materiales de aprendizaje para descargar con instrucciones en español para padres (las tareas para los estudiantes son en inglés). Además, hemos publicado paquetes de aprendizaje para llevar (Grab & Go) en español.

Education Technology Online Learning Resources and Links

Educational TechnologyMany of these resources may be appropriate for students receiving special education.

Comcast Provides Free Internet for Low-Income Families During Coronavirus Pandemic

To help connect more low-income families during this difficult time, Comcast is offering any new Internet Essentials customer two free months of Internet service, effective immediately. After the second month, customers are free to cancel their service or remain in the program as paying customers at the heavily discounted Internet Essentials Rate of $9.95 a month. Sign up for Internet Essentials online or call 1-855-846-8376. Spanish-only speakers can call 1-855-765-6995.

Sign up for Internet Essentials online

Keep America Connected Pledge

To ensure that Americans do not lose their broadband or telephone connectivity as a result of these exceptional circumstances, the Federal Communications Commission asked broadband and telephone service providers to pledge to;

  • Not terminate service to any residential or small business customers because of their inability to pay their bills due to the disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic;
  • Waive any late fees that any residential or small business customers incur because of their economic circumstances related to the coronavirus pandemic; and
  • Open its Wi-Fi hotspots to any American who needs them.

Read More About the Keep America Connected Pledge

Public Library Digital Media Services

The Albuquerque and Bernalillo County Public Library has many digital resources, including eBooks, eAudiobooks, eVideos, and digital magazines.

Public Library Digital Media Services

ST Math

STMath, a web-based visual instructional program that leads to deep conceptual understanding of math, is providing no-cost access through June 30 so the learning can keep on happening, even if school is temporarily closed.

Learn More About ST Math


Families have access to Istation's Parent Portal, which provides skill-building lessons that parents can go over with their child and includes printable materials for use at home. The Parent Portal can be accessed on any device with a browser, such as a smartphone, tablet, or PC. Contact with questions.

IStation School-to-Home Connection (PDF)


This is your destination for resources and guidance for learning at home. You'll find guidance for educators and families. Families can learn how to get their child started and get tips on how to monitor progress and support their child. Contact with questions.

Log in to i-Ready At Home

Khan Academy

Kahn Academy is offering practice exercises, instructional videos, and personalized learning -- is hosting live streams every weekday at 10 a.m. on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter for students, parents, and teachers navigating school closures.

Visit Khan Academy online


Benchmark has designed learning materials specifically for distance learning.

Benchmark Technical Support:

Kindness 101: On the Road with Steve Hartman

Steve Hartman provides an interactive week-long online course for students of all ages about kindness. Video recording of those courses are available on YouTube:

  1. Day 1: "Character" Video, Kindness 101
  2. Day 2: "Empathy" Video, Kindness 101
  3. Day 3: "Friendship" Video, Kindness 101
  4. Day 4: "Altruism" Video, Kindness 101

For more information, read the news article covering Steve Hartman's "Kindness 101."