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News from 2020-2021

News from School Year 2020-2021 – July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021

 Coveted Military Scholarship Awarded to APS Students

The two high school juniors are among only a couple of hundred worldwide to receive the Air Force JROTC Flight Academy award.

Posted January 13, 2021

 December's Outstanding Employees

This month's honorees include a school secretary, help desk technician, behavior redirector, and dean of students

Posted December 14, 2020

 November's Outstanding Employees

This month's honorees include a health assistance, clerk, services manager and dean of students.

Posted November 16, 2020

 Impact Aid

Families in the military or who live or work on tax-free federal property can help fund our schools.

Posted November 10, 2020

 October's Outstanding Employees

This month's honorees include an assessment manager, middle school counselor, middle school principal and the district's Senior Director of Nursing.

Posted October 23, 2020

 September's Outstanding Employees

The latest group of employees honored by the APS Employee Recognition Program includes a payroll specialist, principal, dean of students and counselor.

Posted October 1, 2020

 Rio Grande Teacher Selected for Fulbright Program

Science teacher Jean Marie Baca was chosen for the Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms.

Posted September 30, 2020

 Belated Congrats to March's Outstanding Employees

As our monthly Employee Recognition Program gears up for this school year, we want to congratulate those whose recognition was overshadowed by the pandemic.

Posted September 23, 2020

 Student Art from the State Fair & Metro Youth Exhibit

We've created slideshows to showcase the pieces that would have been featured had the two art shows not been canceled due to the coronavirus.

Posted September 18, 2020

 Congrats to Our National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists!

26 APS seniors are among the nation's top academically talented high school students.

Posted September 15, 2020

 Congratulations Summer Graduates!

121 students earned their high school diploma by taking summer classes.

Posted July 21, 2020