Student Art from the State Fair & Metro Youth Exhibit
We've created slideshows to showcase the pieces that would have been featured had the two art shows not been canceled due to the coronavirus.
Each year, the School Arts Building at Expo New Mexico is filled, wall to wall, with countless pieces of art from students across the state. The State Fair was canceled this year due to the coronavirus, so we created a slideshow featuring the pieces submitted by Albuquerque Public School students. Thanks to Expo New Mexico for sharing these wonderful pieces, created mostly by APS elementary school students. Each piece includes the student's name, art teacher and school.
In a second slideshow, we compiled the student work that would have been featured in the annual Metro Youth Art Show last spring had it not been canceled due to COVID-19. These pieces were created by APS high school and middle school students.
We are very proud of our amazingly talented students and their just as amazing art teachers!
New Mexico State Fair School Arts
Metro Youth Art Exhibit