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Student Advisors Take on Graduation Rates

Posted May 20, 2016, 1:55 PM. Updated November 18, 2016, 2:27 PM.

Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council gives advice on keeping students in school.

Superintendent Reedy’s student advisors have been focused on how to improve graduation rates.  The students, made up of representatives from every school of choice and traditional high schools, have been discussing the reasons students drop out and solutions.  Their ideas have come together in a short video.

“Having the student’s voice is so important. I’m so proud of these students,” said Superintendent Raquel Reedy.  “This diverse group of students gave us valuable insight into why students drop out and what supports can be made to increase the graduation rates.”

Students said one major solution is to more support from caring adults who impact the lives of students including teachers, staff, administrators, and parents.  The input from the students will be presented to members of the district’s leadership team and the Board of Education. 

The Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council meets with the superintendent for several hours once a month during the school year.