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Joe Salas

Joe Salas, July 26, 1954 – February 1, 2016 (28 years of APS service)

A closeup of a smiling Joe Salas

Joe started his plumbing career as a teenager, helping his father, learning the trade throughout the years in new construction and in the repair aspect. Using that knowledge, Joe joined APS in 1988 and was very happy working in town, having consistent work, a regular paycheck, and with the benefits. Over time, he came to know the District inside and out as well as APS personnel from administrators, teachers, custodial and cafeteria workers, various APS departments’ staff, and of course, the M&O family. We rarely went anywhere in Albuquerque that he didn’t see someone he knew from APS or vendors and contractors he dealt with often. Joe was happy in his role as a technician followed by the Plumbing Shop Supervisor in completing almost 28 years as a dedicated employee. I know he is missed by those who knew and worked with him. He was loved by all of his fellow employees and staff. I thank everyone who was a part of his successful APS career and life.  — Billie Salas, Wife

Joe is a great loss to M&O personally and professionally. His knowledge, work ethic, and positive disposition cannot be replaced. Joe was an extremely skilled technician and his leadership skills shined as he transformed the Plumbing Shop into a role model of dependability and professionalism. Along with his wife Billie and their family, he is deeply missed by his colleagues, many M&O friends, and the school administrators who came to depend on his expertise, kindness, and readiness to serve them. — John Dufay, Executive Director of Maintenance and Support Operations

This page was last updated on: November 1, 2018.