New and ongoing preventive maintenance programs
New PM programs
- October − pre-emergent weed control
- March − post-emergent weed control
PM Programs (ongoing)
Grounds and Fields:
- Grading dirt tracks
- Irrigation controllers’ verification and testing (daily)
- Landscape maintenance of baseball and softball fields (corrective action at infields and infield lips)
- Playground equipment audits (cut back from twice a year, then to annually, and currently down to once every 14 months due to scheduling work issues)
- Grounds safety inspections and parking lot surveys
- Spring and summer fertilization of all athletic fields and ornamental grass (February through March and again May through July fertilization proved to be more drought-tolerant)
- Pre-emergent weed control on bare ground and all perimeter fencing to prevent weeds from germinating. Program expanded in 2015-16
- Aerating and re-seeding (and top dressing where needed) athletic fields (cut back on frequency from twice a year to once except on football fields which are aerated and re-seeded twice a year)
- Fields inspection of sprinkler heads and bare spots (weekly)
- Inspection of tennis courts and paved tracks (resurfacing and other maintenance as needed)
- Parking lot asphalt inspection and repairs, from minor to complete resurfacing and pothole patching
- Softball and baseball fields grooming (annually remove buildup of clay on grass; repair clogged and broken sprinklers; raise or lower sprinklers as needed; clean running paths between bases)
- Annual summer grub inspection and spraying of athletic fields throughout the District (June through September). Grub control program minimizes damage to athletic fields and lessens repairs
- Clean outside storm drains and jet action pipes every spring prior to monsoon season
- Sweep all District parking lots every summer and clean following rain storms
- Mow athletic fields at high schools twice a week (seasonal) and at other locations once a week (now PM Direct scheduled)
- Irrigation system route inspections (weekly)
- Winterize irrigation systems (fall) − shut down system, drain backflows, and inspect to ensure heat sources that prevent freezing are working. This process is reversed in the spring.
- Watering trees and bushes takes place when warmer weather allows for irrigation systems to be used during the winter.
- Grooming of synthetic fields (monthly)
- G-max testing of synthetic fields (annually) – safety impact testing to measure the shock-attenuation performance. Loosen compaction to protect injuries as required.
Playgrounds and fall zones:
- Playground safety inspection (annually)
- Playground maintenance (annually)
- Maintain proper condition of protective fall surfaces (rake woodchips)
- Maintain condition of sand (rototill, level)
- Tractor sweep the six foot parameter equipment pod
This page was last updated on:
November 1, 2018.