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The wellness campaign works!

M&O is developing a wellness culture.

Employees electing to walk over drive and making other healthful choices are in part attributed to the ongoing wellness campaign. Wellness Boards, distributed throughout Lincoln Complex, are switched out monthly and offer health information and nutritious recipes, behavioral reminders, discounts to local fitness centers, and more. Pamphlets (called “fast guides”) that provide succinct information regarding exercise, controlling cholesterol, and other helpful ideas are regularly distributed. Weekly email blasts from the APS Wellness Department offer discounts for fitness gym memberships around the city and announce upcoming events and Wellness programs. Lastly but perhaps most importantly — for the considerable benefit of M&O, staff, and the District — leadership is driving a wellness culture for all employees throughout M&O and Support Services.

Wellness Works banner installation

This page was last updated on: November 1, 2018.