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Energy Center development

Conservation and Education Specialist participated in the development of the Energy Center

As stated in the Energy Conservation Program section, the New Energy Center provides a space that focuses on managing utility use and allows for the ability to study, look closely, and identify areas where there are possible issues that need attention, such as verifying time clocks and observing equipment controls. The Energy Team is constantly looking for opportunities to optimize efficiency. They do this by dialing into data that is streamed live into the Energy Center. As the Center is also used as a learning space, Mr. Lazar contributed to defining how the space would best be utilized in teaching visiting students, administrators, applicable M&O technicians, and others. This includes visitors interpreting data and information collected by the Center from the energy-use web-enabled databases that track schools’ energy use and performance. The idea is to share knowledge with the school community in both teaching as well as developing a broader base team of energy saving participants. It gives schools an opportunity to become more engaged with how their schools are performing, and take ownership in improving energy use and respecting the planet by becoming stewards of their environment.

This page was last updated on: November 1, 2018.