Language Program Information
Language Program Information
Diné Bizaad / Navajo Language
The Indian Education Native language program consist of Navajo language 1 and 2, and serves all eligible Native American high school students in APS. Navajo 1 is taught at Career Enrichment Center during the fall term and Navajo 2 in the spring. The Native language program provides students the basics of the Navajo language with an emphasis on immersion and a cultural approach.
Students are immersed in conversational activities to gain cultural understanding and knowledge that results in a positive perspective regarding the Navajo language. Students engage and participate in classroom and out of class experiences in community activities and storytelling events.
The Indian Education Native language program has had a great positive impact on students, families, communities, and tribes. Many Navajo students have successfully earned the Chief Manuelito Scholarship and the awardees have increased each year. We thank the parents, friends, and families who make the Native language program a success and the support they give to their children have made successful students.
A:shiwi / Zuni Language Program
The Indian Education Native language program consist of Zuni language 1 and 2 and services all eligible Native American high school students in APS.
- Zuni I: Introduces Zuni students to basic skills-listening and speaking-and basic structures of Zuni language taught within the cultural context.
- Zuni II: Language acquisition is a developmental process with the goal of basic communication. Students develop basic writing and speaking skills with multiple opportunities to demonstrate speaking, writing, and public speaking skills