Google for Education
Google Apps for Education is a core suite of apps like Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Docs, Sites, and an account that unlocks access to other Google-supported tools.
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Google Apps for Education is a core suite of productivity applications that Google offers to schools and educational institutions for free. These communication and collaboration apps include Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Docs, Sites, and Google Apps for Education account that unlocks access to dozens of other collaborative tools supported by Google.
All of these applications exists completely online (or in the cloud), meaning that all creations can be accessed from any device with an Internet connection.
Google for Education Trainings
Google for Education: Intro to Google Assets, Access and Learning
What it is: Overview of a free web-based suite of products to create, share and store documents, presentations, and spreadsheets in real-time.
Who should take it: Teachers and staff wanting to communicate and collaborate on educational and professional projects.
Level: Beginner.
Watch for next trainings.
Google for Education: Organizing your Class for Learning with Google Classroom
What it is: Are you interested in creating a virtual classroom environment where you can manage class communication, organize projects, push out and receive assignments, and track student progress - all without the use of a single sheet of paper? Google Classroom was designed with teachers and students to help everyone achieve more together!
Bring your own device and a diversity of digital assets for this hands-on workshop where you will experience Google Classroom as both the student and the teacher! You will complete this workshop with a Google Classroom to build and share!
Who should take it: Teachers and staff wanting to create a system of access to resources and/or content with peers and students.
Level: Intermediate.
Watch for the next training.
Resource Access using Google Sites
What it is: Do you want to learn how to create easy access to information and digital resources for students, parents and the community? Have you wanted to create online student portfolios, student wiki sites, a place to build, collaborate, and deliver content? Google Sites is part of the Suite of Apps offered by G-Suite and allows for anyone to be able to create a team-oriented site where multiple people can collaborate and share files.
Who should take it: Teachers and staff wanting to create access to resources and/or content to share and collaborate with peers and students.
Level: Intermediate.
Watch for the next training.
Sign up for sessions on Powerschool.