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Student of the Week: Lorelai Telles

Posted September 25, 2023, 11:10 AM. Updated June 29, 2024, 2:13 PM.

Eighth-grader at Hoover Middle School

What do you like about school?

Lorelai likes being with friends.

Favorite subject and why:

She has two favorite subjects, FACS - Family & Consumer Science, cooking, and creativity; the other is English Language Arts because she enjoys writing.

Hobbies and activities:


What her teachers say:

"Lorelai is the epitome of an involved and engaged student. She's intelligent, friendly and supportive. She's also an excellent leader and role model for other students. I predict great things from this stellar young woman!" - Monica Kowal, ELA 7

"She works very hard and has grown into being a great leader as our student body president last year. She is thoughtful, kind, and motivated to help others and our school as a whole. I am very proud of her." - JoAnn Isonhood, Science and Student Council Advisor.

See all of our Students of the Week

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