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Student of the Week: Evie Varela

Posted September 17, 2024, 3:38 PM. Updated October 21, 2024, 8:57 AM.

Second-Grader at Kit Carson Elementary School

What Evie’s family says:

Evie is a brave and giving girl. She cares about how others feel and makes sure everyone has a smile. She is stronger than she knows.

What her teachers say:

Her homeroom teacher, Maria Munoz, says Evie is self-motivated and always tries her best. Desiree Lopez, the librarian, says, “Evie always shows respect to her classmates and teachers. She possesses a kind heart and softens those around her.”

Favorite subject:

She loves P.E. because it is so much fun!

Hobbies and activities:

Evie loves to play softball and cheer for the Rio Grande Ravens both at school and at home.

Students of the Week

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