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Student of the Week: Dayana Ruiz Garcia

Posted April 10, 2023, 12:15 PM. Updated June 29, 2024, 2:13 PM.

8th Grader at Garfield STEM Magnet Middle School

What do you like about school:

There is a lot I like about school. The opportunity to participate in clubs and sports, but I also like that Garfield is a really welcoming school where I feel safe. I like that students’ opinions and ideas are heard.

Favorite subjects: 

One of my favorites is the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) class. All students participate in at least one semester per year, focusing on computer science and engineering. What we are learning from this class can open a lot of doors for me.

Hobbies and activities:

I enjoy playing volleyball and traveling for tournaments outside New Mexico. I also go to church and volunteer for the homeless. I enjoy making others happy.

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