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Congrats to Door & Workspace Decorating Contest Winners

Posted November 8, 2022, 7:00 PM. Updated November 17, 2022, 3:45 PM.

And thanks to all those who participated!

The APS Education Foundation received more than 160 entries in its second annual Door and Workspace Decorating Contest. Contest participants were asked to show that they are #APSProud by decorating doors or workspace using one of three themes: APS spirit, autumn, or Halloween. They were allowed to enter as individuals or as teams of co-workers. 

And the winners are...

  • Student Participation: Alyssa Otero, 9th-grade English at West Mesa High School 
  • Best Halloween Theme: Becky Cherne, Apache ES 
  • Best Fall Theme: Brian Stinson, Art Class/Chamiza Elementary School
  • Most Artistic: Catherine Davis, 5th grade at E.G. Ross Elementary School 
  • Best 3-D: Celeste Hernandez, Lew Wallace Elementary School 
  • Honorable Mention for Creativity: Mandy Casey, Phoebe Cummins, and Judy Hollins of Apache Elementary School
  • Best Video: Student Information Systems 
  • Scariest: Therese Wright, Freedom High School
  • Best #APSProud Spirit: Tracy Widner, Georgia O'Keeffe Elementary School

Winners of the Door & Workspace Decorating Contest