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2025 Selfless Senior Spotlight: Robert Mendoza

Posted January 24, 2025, 4:25 PM. Updated February 12, 2025, 9:01 AM.

Meet Robert Mendoza, the 2025 Selfless Senior of Rio Grande High School.

“My name is Robert Mendoza, a young man with an interest in giving back to his community. I find this important as every community needs leaders and people who are willing to help change things for the better. Albuquerque is mostly seen as a subpar city, but that doesn't mean there are only subpar people found inside it. That is why I make it my objective to help alter the course of history for this city. As if I were not to do it, then who will? Every city deserves to be aided with community-related services. That is why I take pleasure and honor in pitching in.”