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2023 Selfless Senior Spotlight: Ava Stratton

Posted February 2, 2023, 11:55 AM. Updated April 4, 2023, 2:15 PM.

Meet Ava Stratton, the 2023 Selfless Senior of Albuquerque High School.

"My name is Ava Stratton and I am a student at Albuquerque High School. I am grateful to have the experience of feeling a part of my school community, but also feeling connected within many parts of Albuquerque. Much of my identity is formed by the support that is created around me and the affection that is admitted toward me. I am just one small part of the broader community, constantly surrounded by incredible and impactful people. I believe that it is each of our responsibilities to work to create this community, and share a fraction of our love when there is someone else who needs it."

"Me llamo Ava Stratton y soy un estudiante en Albuquerque High School. Estoy agradecida por tener la experiencia de sentirme como una parte de mi comunidad de escuela, pero también me siento conectada con diferentes partes de Albuquerque. La mayoría de mi identidad está formada por el apoyo que se crea a mi alrededor y el afecto se admite hacia mi. Soy solo una pequeña parte de la gran comunidad, constantemente rodeada de personas increíbles e impactantes. Creo que todos nosotros tenemos la responsabilidad de crear esa comunidad, y compartir una fracción de nuestro amor cuando alguien lo necesita."