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Employee Recognition Collection

APS recognizes our employees for their many contributions to our district.

 March's Outstanding Employees

This month's honorees include a speech and language liaison, CSA, head custodian, and media center manager.

Posted March 9, 2022

 February's Outstanding Employees

This month's honorees include a roofer, mailroom supervisor, custodian and nurse.

Posted February 4, 2022

 January Outstanding Employees

This month's honorees include an educational assistant, family liaison, registrar, and elementary school principal.

Posted January 20, 2022

 December's Outstanding Employees

This month's honorees include a head custodian, district executive director, high school assistant principal, and elementary school principal.

Posted December 13, 2021

 November's Outstanding Employees

November's honorees include an NM DASH coordinator, middle school secretary, elementary school counselor, and middle school educational assistant.

Posted November 10, 2021

 For the Fourth Straight Year, APS Recognizes Outstanding Employees

October's outstanding employees include an elementary school principal, school scheduling coordinator, custodian, and educational assistant.

Posted October 1, 2021

 April's Outstanding Employees

This month's honorees include a speech therapist, yardman, program manager and educational assistant.

Posted April 14, 2021

 January's Outstanding Employees

This month's honorees include a high school principal, campus security aide, administrative assistant and school clerk.

Posted January 19, 2021

 December's Outstanding Employees

This month's honorees include a school secretary, help desk technician, behavior redirector, and dean of students

Posted December 14, 2020

 November's Outstanding Employees

This month's honorees include a health assistance, clerk, services manager and dean of students.

Posted November 16, 2020

 October's Outstanding Employees

This month's honorees include an assessment manager, middle school counselor, middle school principal and the district's Senior Director of Nursing.

Posted October 23, 2020

 September's Outstanding Employees

The latest group of employees honored by the APS Employee Recognition Program includes a payroll specialist, principal, dean of students and counselor.

Posted October 1, 2020

 Belated Congrats to March's Outstanding Employees

As our monthly Employee Recognition Program gears up for this school year, we want to congratulate those whose recognition was overshadowed by the pandemic.

Posted September 23, 2020

 February's Outstanding Employees Announced

This month's honorees include a Student Assistance Team liaison, cafeteria manager, attendance clerk/family liaison and assistant principal.

Posted February 25, 2020

 January's Outstanding Employees Announced

The latest group of employees honored by the APS Employee Recognition Program include the Director of School Climate, the Associate Director of JROTC & Leadership Programs, an elementary school secretary, and an HVAC and plumbing manager.

Posted January 20, 2020

 December's Outstanding Employees Announced

The latest group of employees honored by the APS Employee Recognition Program includes a registrar, secretary, principal, and media production clerk.

Posted December 17, 2019

 November's Outstanding Employees Announced

The latest group of employees honored by the APS Employee Recognition Program include a CSA, school clerk, digital integration specialist, and school secretary.

Posted November 24, 2019

 October's Outstanding Employees Announced

The latest group of employees honored by the APS Employee Recognition Program includes a head custodian, an elementary school principal, a student success administrator, and a family liaison.

Posted October 31, 2019

 For the Second Straight Year, APS Recognizes Outstanding Employees

September's outstanding employees include a secretary, custodian, family liaison and foster care point of contact.

Posted October 7, 2019

 May's Outstanding Employees Announced

The latest group of employees honored by the APS Employee Recognition Program includes a secretary, health assistant, educational assistant and dean of students/basketball coach.

Posted May 13, 2019