Southwest Capital Bank Financial Literacy Award

The Southwest Capital Bank Financial Literacy Grant is made possible by Southwest Capital Bank to improve and increase student engagement in personal financial literacy in comprehensive and magnet APS Title I middle and high schools and programs. The grant award also includes FDIC curriculum and trainers.
About the Award
Award amount is up to $5,000. The Financial Literacy grants support personal financial literacy for comprehensive and magnet Title 1 APS middle and high schools.
Grant supports projects and programs with a financial literacy focus and incorporates a financial literacy curriculum.
Additional resources, such as the use of SWCB Staff Volunteers to support the FDIC curriculum in the classroom or other venues are available at no cost. We encourage applicants to use these additional resources to leverage their grant funds for broader outreach.
This grant is for new or current projects/programs that are interested in incorporating a financial literacy component.
Year in Review
Funding data for 2023-2024
- Awarded: $10,000.00
- Requested: $10,000.00
- Funded: 2 out of 2 applications
- Students Impacted: 475
Information for APS Employees
Eligible Applicants
APS comprehensive and magnet Title 1 APS middle and high schools or collaborations with middle and high schools are eligible to apply. Eligible applicants are APS employees including teachers, educational assistants, librarians, counselors, social workers, and other school personnel. Applicants may apply as individuals or as part of a group.
All applicants must certify that the principal or immediate supervisor is aware of the proposal and supports the application. Grants will not be funded without the full support of school administration.
Only APS employees may submit applications. Only one application per school will be accepted. APS traditional and magnet schools are eligible to apply.
Eligible Proposals
Proposals must meet the following criteria:
- Serve a Title 1 middle or high school.
- Focus on meeting the needs of and improving financial literacy outcomes for students and align with the district’s priorities.
- Have clearly defined goals and measurable outcomes to determine the success of the project.
- Build on student engagement, academic experiences and positive student outcomes in the area of financial literacy.
- Have a realistic budget and use the award to cover teacher stipends, purchased services, and/or supplies and materials within the proposed activity.
- Demonstrate an effort to raise funds through other sources in an effort to sustain the proposed project.
Selection Process and Criteria:
All grant applications are reviewed by a selection committee of APSEF Board members and community members.
Primary consideration will be given to proposals that:
- Have strong student impact
- Have a focus on financial literacy
- Encourage students to participate more fully in a classroom, project or program
- Foster positive student learning environment
- Improve school experiences for students and staff
- Mentor other APS schools to adopt the program
Grant Term and Amount
Southwest Capital Bank Financial Literacy awards are for one year. A funded grant is no guarantee of future funding. If awarded, schools/departments must be prepared to implement the project (staff availability, activities in place) upon receiving funding. Grant Amount
Schools may apply for up to $5,000. The Foundation reserves the right to adjust its granting levels.
Reporting Requirements
Southwest Capital Bank Financial Literacy award winners are required to report on project outcomes at the end of the grant period. Final reports must be submitted to the APS Education Foundation. Award winners may be ineligible for future funding if this report is not received. Award winners should also be willing to host site visits, provide success stories and assist the Foundation with promotional activities.
Other Considerations
No other considerations are needed for this grant.
How To Apply
Find application information on the Grant Portal for APS Employees (Google Site).