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Pepsi Award

The Pepsi Award is offered once a year specifically for submissions on behalf of school-based electives, clubs, activities and student groups in need of assistance with unexpected and unbudgeted expenses as part of participating in a national, regional and/or state competition.

NOTE: The Pepsi Award is CLOSED. If you are needing funding please contact

About the Award

Schools may apply for to $5,000. The purpose of the Pepsi Award is to help reduce costs for students advancing to the regional, state and national levels.

Year in Review

Funding data for 2023-2024.

  • Awarded: $10,000
  • Requested: $10,000
  • Funded: 2 out of 3 applications
  • Students Impacted: 50

Information for APS Employees

Eligible Applicants

APS teachers or employees at the elementary, middle and high school level may apply on the behalf of students participating in a school-based competition.

Only APS employees may submit applications. APS traditional and magnet schools are eligible to apply.

Eligible Proposals

Proposals must meet the following criteria:

  • Requests must be for APS student(s) participating in a school-related national, regional and/or state competition.
  • Student(s) or the student organization must be notified of advancement to a national, regional or state competition prior to submitting the application.
  • Requests may cover travel fees and other related costs to and from the competition, such as lodging and registration fees.
  • Requests are awarded to the school on behalf of the student club, activity or elective, not directly to the student.

Selection Process and Criteria:

All grant applications are reviewed by a selection committee of APSEF Board members. Applicants must be prepared to make a 10 minute presentation to the selection committee should an application be selected as a finalist.

Reporting Requirements

Pepsi Award recipients will be required to provide a detailed report on their grant results to the APS Education Foundation. This report will be shared through the Foundation as a way to measure the overall impact being made district-wide through the APSEF grant programs. Grantees will be ineligible for future awards if this report is not received. Grantees should also be willing to host site visits, provide success stories and assist the Foundation with promotional activities.

Other Considerations

No other considerations apply to the Pepsi Award.

How To Apply

Find application information on the Grant Portal for APS Employees (Google Site).


This award is funded on a first-come, first-served basis.

This page was last updated on: February 27, 2023.

For More Information:

For questions or more information about APS Education Foundation grants or scholarships, contact the APS Education Foundation Grant Manager, by email at .