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Competitive Food Sales

Growing Gardens (eating lettuce)

Nutrition at APS is an integration of programs that provide access to:

  • A variety of nutritious, affordable and appealing meals and snacks for students
  • Nutrition education
  • An environment that promotes healthy eating behaviors

Food and Beverage Information

The U.S. Department of Agriculture along with the New Mexico Nutrition Standards for Competitive Foods updated the nutrition standards for all food and beverage items sold to students during the school day, including all sold via vending machines, DECA and parent organization stores, snack bars and fundraising.

Also see:

Resources and Materials

A number of tools and resources are available to help schools identify food and beverage items that meet federal, state and district regulations. See the resources below for information about the Smart Snacks requirements, helpful tools, and ways to encourage children to make healthier snack choices that give them the nutrition they need to grow and learn.

This page was last updated on: October 7, 2010.