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Clothing Bank Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about the APS Community Clothing Bank? Find Frequently Asked Questions.

APS Community Clothing Bank logoFrequently Asked Questions

How do I place a referral?

Any student or family member, can go to the school counselor, nurse or social worker to place an order for new socks, underwear and shoes as well as a new or slightly used coat. 

The order will be filled by the Clothing Bank and delivered to the school. Schools will get items to the students.

How many times a year can I place a referral?

A referral can be requested up to three times during the school year.  Students can receive the following:

  • Once per year: Shoes and Hoodie/Light Jacket
  • Three times per year: Underwear, Socks, Goodwill Voucher
  • School Supplies during the school year (based on availability)
  • Winter Coat 

What if my school is a Title 1 Uniform School?

Operation School Bell will provide students with clothing and shoe vouchers.

Parent indicates need to school personnel. The school contact can be the counselor, family liaison, school secretary, nurse or whomever the school has designated to work with the program.

Is the APS Community Clothing Bank and Locker 505 the same entity?

No, but students are eligible to receive services from both entities.


This page was last updated on: April 16, 2020.