Open/Switch Enrollment for APS Employees is October 1 through 16
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Categories | Title | Translation Date |
Administration |
Computer / Internet / Acceptable Use Policy
APS policy for the appropriate use of computers and technology by students.
Jul 14, 2014 |
Administration |
Permission to Participate / Authorization for Medical Services
Field trip permission form and authorization to provide medical services in case of an emergency during the field trip.
Feb 23, 2022 |
Administration |
Parent Permission to Photograph / Record
A permission form that parents sign to allow APS and the news media to film, video, record or photograph their son or daughter.
Jun 09, 2022 |
Administration |
Parent Permission to Reproduce Student Work
Authorizes the School District to publicize your child's "student work" in various ways, including but not limited to publications, collections, exhibits and displays, and other media productions.
Jun 14, 2022 |